Sunborn Gibraltar

Enter dates and see prices

Advantages of booking direct

Late check-out until 15 h (subject to availability)

Best available rate guarantee

Discount on advance bookings

Deal directly with us, without intermediaries or booking fees

*Some rates will require prepayment such as promotional rates

Sunborn Gibraltar

Infinity Spa

Sunborn Gibraltar

The spa specialises in effective anti-ageing, purifying and calming facial treatments plus relaxing massages, wraps and day-long spa rituals. We can soothe and smooth hands and feet, and offer bespoke hair and make-up packages, too – perfect as part of your preparations for a special celebration. Why not indulge in one of our romantic couples’ packages, complete with champagne and chocolates?

SPA Opening hours:

Weekdays 10.00 am – 08.15 pm

Weekends 11.00 am – 7.15 pm.
Bank Holidays 10:00 am – 6.00 pm

Sauna opening hours:

Weekdays 12.00 am – 7.00 pm

Weekends 12.00 am – 7.00
Bank Holidays 12.00 am – 6.00 pm

For more information, please contact

infinity club gibraltar

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